Mind Active Monitoring Service
One to One counselling will provide access to talking therapies treatment which involve talking to a trained professional about your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The aim to:
Once you are referred, you will be contacted by telephone by one of the counselling who will tell you about the service, where you can attend and what this will mean for you to ensure that this is what you want and that it is the right type of support for you. Merthyr and the Valleys Mind is working in partnership with local GP Surgeries in the Taf Ely Cluster, to provide a service called Active Monitoring. The service is designed to provide guided self-help for patients who are finding it difficult to cope with their feelings and emotions because they are anxious, feeling low/depressed, angry, stressed/worried or maybe experiencing low confidence or feeling lonely. The service will help you put strategies in place and set achievable goals to improve your wellbeing. You will be greeted by a trained Practitioner and be invited to attend 5 face-to-face sessions in the surgery over a 6 to 8 weeks period. The Practitioner will help and guide you using workbooks and other supporting booklets and leaflets to improve your mental wellbeing. To access the Active Monitoring Service or Counselling you will need to be referred by one of the health professionals working in your GP practice – for Active monitoring most appointments take place in your own surgery and for counselling you will be invited to one of the local hubs. |